❄️ Winter’s tough—make it easier for strays. 🐾 Warm up their world with our heated cat house. 🏠

❄️ Winter’s tough—make it easier for strays. 🐾 Warm up their world with our heated cat house. 🏠

💙Shop: clawsable.com
🌟Link: https://clawsable.com/products/2-door-lift-top-elevated-heated-outdoor-cat-house-large
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📦Ships within the US and EU
🏡Heated Cat House US only

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  1. Немножко аморального вам
    Чем больше "поддерживать" бездомных животных сохраняя их статус, тем больше их будет в будущем
    Либо стерилизация, либо в приюты, где со временем для них найдётся дом и хозяин
    Я знаю что после такого полетят агрессивные ответы

  2. I hate to break it to you, but no stray cat is ever voluntarily going to walk-in to that place! All they are going to see is a trap! It’s a wonderful idea in theory, but it will never work in real life! The only cats who are going to go in there are domestic cats! Feral cats or stray cats want no walls as that will make them feel trapped and it will scare them off! They need free vision in all directions to feel safe!

  3. ОТКРОЙТЕ ПРИЮТ !!!😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😮😮❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😮😮😢

  4. به اصطلاح مهربونای روزگار واسه آدمای ندار خونه بسازین
    دمت گرم لایک و فالو گرفتی مهربون

  5. Great idea to provide our furry friends with warmth and shelter. Now how about our homeless veterans, seniors and all of our brothers and sisters?

  6. Please make sure to use good materials, just another 1 opportunity that could occur………..it will not be a little home for stray cats anymore.

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