Petsafe Extreme Weather Pet Door – Moore Pet Supplies LLC
Petsafe Extreme Weather Pet Door – Moore Pet Supplies LLC
The PetSafe Extreme Weather Pet Door is a dual flap door with an soft insulating pad between the flaps. This insulating pad does not aid in sealing quality but attempts to insulate the area between the flaps. This door is ready to use for installation into doors. This pet door features a plastic frame and plastic slide in security panel.
Security Boss Extreme High Wind Magnets
For Use with all MaxSeal Pet Door Models
(sold in set of 3)
Security Boss Manufacturing LLCExtreme High Wind Neo MagnetsSecurity Boss offers the optional Neo Magnets for customers that live in extremely windy environments. The MaxSeal stock models provide the best sealing flaps in the industry, however, some customers may have more unique situations. As an example, living on the coast where ocean winds can be quite strong, customers living in the plains or wide open countryside where strong winds are prevalent, Kansas and Nebraska are indicative of this.
Neo Magnets are very strong magnets. For this reason, we recommend only adding a maximum of 3 for Large sized doors and bigger. If you have a door smaller than LARGE….use only one Neo Magnet at the base of the flap on the exterior side. To experience the maximum effect from the Neo Magnets, you will replace the exterior frame magnets only (Not interior frame), as show below in the image. All MaxSeal doors have a similar magnet arrange as shown below. There is a center magnet at the base of the flap and side magnets…the side magnets will vary depending on the size of MaxSeal chosen.
Introducing your Pet to the Neo Magnets in your MaxSeal Door:
We recommend that your pet first become use to the MaxSeal door with the magnets that come standard. Once your pet is comfortable with using the product, replace the magnets in the exterior frame as recommended. You may need to show your pet with some training assistance how to push through the door. Remember, Neo Magnets are only recommended for Extremely Windy conditions
Note: Security Boss does not recommend using the Neo Magnets on doors smaller than their LARGE size, as pets may have difficulty pushing the flaps. Neo Magnets are very strong and only recommended for extremely windy environments.
Dealers can visit us at: https://securitybosspetdoors.com/
#Petsafe #Extreme #Weather #Pet #Door
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